Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Me Me Me

I enjoy links. Well I guess it's better said that I enjoy the ability to post links in my blog. With my current method this is sadly impossible, or at least requires a minuscule amount of research and effort on my part, let's not get ridiculous.

It's so much easier to just complain about it to the world and share my frustration with people, hopefully not long enough for you to realize reading my blog is probably a waste of time, not even the valuable kind. I mean the kind of time spent looking busy in the office but playing Angry Birds. I'm even wasting that kind of time.

Oh well, such is the way of blogs. They feed the narcissistic nature in all of us, no matter how much we tell ourselves it's important it is to stay in touch with other people and there interests.

That's ok though. It's my completely uneducated and unresearched belief that venting this narcissism online helps us better listen to and appreciate what other people are doing or saying in person.

Maybe some online selfishness helps us be more real life selfless, comment below and make me feel special.


So Blogger doesn't work so well on the iPhone. I've come up with a plane though, the wonder of copy and paste.

So I'll be trying this method instead, typing in Notes and copying and pasting into blogger. This could be a huge failure or it could be my greatest accomplishment. Probably failure :(

As the title suggests I was 100% lying about posting frequently. I'm sure it happens to most people but I just lost the motivation. And screw using Windows Dictation, that's a pain in the ass.

So we'll see if this turns out to be easier and therefore keeps my interest longer.

Now to post this and hopefully have it be the first of many.